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ZHOU Yao is a postdoc at the Southern University of Science and Technology. She got a Ph.D. degree in Educational Economics, and her main research interest is in the economics of education, especially topics like Student Development, Higher Education Institution Impact, Academic Profession. She published many papers in CSSCI journals such as Education & Economy, Fudan Education Forum and Studies in Early Childhood Education . Yao was awarded the "Youth Excellent Paper Award" in the 3rd and 4th Annual China Academic Conference on Education Finance. As a core member, She has participated in several projects at the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ford Foundation of the United States, the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, and provincial and ministerial level. She is currently hosting a project of Guangdong Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Planning.


1. “Preschool Education and Compulsory Education Result Inequality: Empirical Evidence from CEPS, Yao ZHOU, Studies in Early Childhood Education 01 (2020) 76-87.  (CSSCI, Downloads:2022; Citation Indexes:11)

2. “Does Student Financial Aid Improve the Interpersonal Communication Capacity of Needy Students?” Yao ZHOU, Hong SHEN, Education & Economy 02 (2019) 88-96. (CSSCI, Downloads:1482; Citation Indexes:21)

3. A Study on the Coupling Degree between Provincial Investment in Higher Education and Regional Economic Growth, Yao ZHOU, Hong SHEN, Fudan Education Forum, 16.2 (2018) 89-97.(CSSCI, Downloads:945; Citation Indexes:23)

4. Influence of Motivation on Non-academic Profession Choice of Doctoral Students and Discussion on Mechanism, Yongyuan WU, Yao ZHOU, et al, Higher Education Exploration 2022,No.228(04):67-74.(CSSCI)

5. “The Influence of Teachers' Perceptions of Institutional Orientation on Their Tendency to Deviate from Teaching, Yao ZHOU, Hong SHEN, Chongqing Higher Education Research. (Forthcoming. The network launch time: 2022-03-24 

http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/50.1028.G4.20220323.1714.002.html  (CSSCI)