SUSTech Research Center (forthcoming), officially launched with a campus-wide seminar on Jan. 5th,2020,  it is a platform for faculty and students in the university to carry out the “study on SUSTech” organized by the Center for Higher Education Research (CHER). Through publishing scientific research project guidelines, the Center invites faculty members and staff to participate in SUSTech research series. It aims to combine the reform and innovation practice of SUSTech with the theory of higher education development, analyze the achievements and challenges encountered in the developmental process of SUSTech, and to propose a developmental model and way forward to the new-model research university. 

Duties and responsibilities:

1. Publish the Topic Selection Guide of the SUSTech Research Series, and select project proposals through double blind peer-review involving nation-wide experts in the realm of higher education studies;

2. Grant the project approval with special funds;

3. Provide research method training courses to funded project leaders and their team members, primarily qualitative and quantitative methods used for social science research;

4. Hold the opening report, the mid-term report and the conclusion report meetings of the projects;

5. Invite famous Institutional Research experts to deliver on-site or online lectures;

6. The person in charge of the SUSTech Research program has the same qualification as the person in charge of the educational reform program of SUSTech. In other words, the program of the centre is recognized as university-level research program;

7. Issue high-quality SERIES REPORTS ON SUSTech RESEARCH (SRSR) within the university;

8. Include a small number of SRSR in the Research Series of SUSTech through the evaluation of experts, and publish via CHINA SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESS.

Chair Professor SHEN Hong is the person in charge of the Center. Dr. LI Mengyang serves as the Secretary of the Center.

Planned and designed by CHER and the Teaching Affairs Office of SUSTech,the SUSTech MOOCs Center officially opened on May 17, 2018. The design of MOOCs Center has referred to advanced examples of the MOOC centers and studios in the world, in particular advanced functions, scientific design, reasonable space setting,and convenient using space. MOOCs Center is located on the 1st floor of teaching building No.2, with an area of 210 square meters. It consists of a standardized green box, two small recording rooms (including a small green box), and two turn-screen recording scenes were built to support the recording of three MOOC online courses at the same time. It supports a variety of recording scene options and provides for the construction of MOOC courses at SUSTech. The MOOCs Center can meet the needs from MOOC course production, course recording, to campus studio construction, campus conference activities, micro-teaching and practice and training course recording, etc. The MOOCs center has completed the production of 32 MOOC courses, covering majors in Electronics, Mathematics, Materials, Finance, Marine Science, Physics, Computer and Education, etc.

To promote teachers to make good use of the MOOC courses taken in teaching, the SUSTech MOOC platform was deployed in 2019 and all the completed MOOC courses have been launched online which provided, all-round support for online teaching and blended learning.

The head of MOOCs Center is Professor ZHAO Jianhua.

The Greater Bay Area Data Center for Higher Education (GBA DCHE) was jointly founded by the International Center for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO and the Center for Higher Education Research at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China. Since its establishment in 2019, GBA DCHE has adhered to the notion of “Measurement to Management”. Based in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, it focuses on the concept of “Greater Bay Area” and serves to support institutional development and boost regional economic growth through the research and application of higher education data and quantitative analysis. With a global vision, GBA DCHE brings together both nationally and internationally renowned scholars, professors, and entrepreneurs, committing to create an elite educational think tank with global impact.Research Areas include Higher Education and Regional Economic Development, Innovative Higher Education Institutions, Innovative Talent Training Models, Higher Education Evaluation Index System. Representative Results include Undergraduate and Teacher Experience Survey, Key Indicators of World-class Undergraduate Development ( adopted as pilot projects by regular institutions of higher education for a new round of undergraduate education and teaching evaluation),GBA, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta Regions  Higher Education and Economic Development Report (2020,2021),Gaining An Edge in Competition – Construction Scheme of Mechanism of Management System and Human Resources at the Greater Bay Area University.The co-directors of the center are Research Professor Han Wei and Research Professor Wang Boqing.


Hong Shen

Chair Professor

Fan Jiang

Research Assistant Professor

Zhe Guo

Research Assistant Professor

Mengyang Li


Yao Zhou


Wei Tao

PhD candidate

Pingping Hu

PhD candidate

Yongyuan Wu

PhD candidate

Guangxiang Yu

PhD candidate

Lihua Liu

PhD candidate

Shuli Su

PhD candidate

Hanyu Qin

PhD candidate

Xu Liu  Assistant Professor

Research Interests:Higher Education Governance and Policy;Private Higher Education

Personal Profile:Xu received her PhD from UCL Institute of Education, London. Xu has published more than 30 papers in Chinese and English journals including Higher Education, Higher Education Policy, and Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. She has presided over and participated in more than 10 research projects at the national and provincial levels and has frequently made academic reports at international conferences. Xu has served as reviewer for Studies in Higher Education, Higher Education Quarterly, International Journal of Qualitative Methods and other journals. Dr. Liu Xu welcomes doctoral students and young scholars to conduct short-term visits and post-doctoral research in Higher Education.

Yuan Gao  Assistant Professor

Research Interests:Higher Education Internationalization;Intercultural Education and Higher Education Theory

Personal Profile:Yuan Gao obtained her PhD from the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne, MEd with distinction from University of Bristol, and honours Bachelor of Arts (double degree) from Peking University, China.

Bowen Yan  Senior Data Advisor

Research Interests:Conversational AI; Graph AI; AI in Healthcare

Personal Profile:Bowen Yan is a Senior Data Advisor for Higher Education Research, Southern of University of Science and Technology. Bowen Yan obtained her PhD and MSc at University of Bristol, and Bachelor of Medicine from Xi’an University of Technology. 

Kexin YU  Visiting Research Students

Research Interests:International Research Collaboration and Research Policy

Personal Profile:Kexin Yu is currently studying at University of Oxford, UK. She obtained her master's degree from Oxford University,and Bachelor degree from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.Kexin Yu served as Member of organizing committee of “students Ongoing Research in Education Studies”(STORIES) and the initiator of “Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusiveness”(JEDI). Her research interests mainly focus on International research collaboration and research policy.

Pengjuan Wang PhD Candidate

Research Interests:Academic Profession; Peer Review; Graduate Education

Personal Profile:Pengjuan Wang is a joint PhD of University of Hong Kong and Southern University of Science and Technology in 2021. Her research interests include academic profession, peer review and graduate education. She graduated from Xiamen University with a Master degree of education in 2021. In 2018, she graduated from Shaanxi Normal University with a Bachelor degree of management.

Ding Yashi  Visiting Student

Research Interests: education policies, education theory and education management.

Personal Profile:Ding Yashi is a research assistant for Higher Education Research,Southern University of Science and Technology. She is currently studying for a PhD at Xiamen University. She is in charge of the scientific research projects, reports writing , team communication and management.


Haoshen Liang  Visiting Student

Research Interests: teacher professional development, educational leadership

Personal Profile: Haoshen is currently a doctoral candidate at George Washington University. He obtained a MSc degree from University of Warwick in 2018, and a BA degree from Guangdong University of Technology in 2017. He attended an exchange student program to National Kaohsiung University during the spring semester in 2016.


Wanlin Cai  Visiting Student

Research Interests: university-industry-government collaboration, integration of higher education in the Greater Bay Area of China, regional innovation and world-class university.

Personal Profile: Wanlin Cai is a visiting student at the Higher Education Research Center of Southern University of Science and Technology, and a recipient of the visiting doctoral fellowship program. he is currently pursuing her PhD at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Prior to her doctoral study, Wanlin read for the M.Sc in Higher Education at the University of Oxford and the M.Sc in Management and Enterprise Growth at the University of Glasgow.


Jiayi Li  Visiting Student

Personal Profile:Jiayi Li is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Education at University of Oxford, UK. She also works as a research assistant with the Rees Centre in University of Oxford. As a Routledge Scholarship winner, she received her MSc degree in Comparative and International Education from University of Oxford. She obtained BA degree (double major) with high honours in Educational Studies and Economics from Colgate University in the US.


YiChen  Visiting Student

Research Interests:Higher Education in the Greater Bay Area

Personal Profile: August 2020 - Present, full-time PhD student in Public Policy, Xiamen University, China. 2007 Bachelor's degree from Minzu University of China, School of Literature and Journalism and Communication, majoring in Chinese Language and Literature. 2010 January, Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Bristol, UK.


Xingfan Lai  Visiting Student

Research Interests:issues of educational sociology and educational theory.

Personal Profile:Xingfan Lai graduated from Peking University with a Bachelor’s degree in linguistics in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and obtained her master's degree from Peking University of Educational Studies. She has been involved in 4 research projects while studying for her master, including a report commissioned by MOE on the exam-oriented policy of China’s physical and arts education. She also managed the project "Returned Swallows: Why Chinese Scholars Studying Abroad Choose to Return to China", and completed over 30 exclusive interviews.


Wang Xuechun  Visiting Student

Research Interests:Internationalization of Higher Education; Knowledge Mapping; Meta analysis; Educational Economy and Administration; Mixed research.

Personal Profile:Wang Xuechun is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 2023, he has been a visiting student in the Center for Higher Education Research of Southern University of Science and Technology. She graduated from Nanjing Normal University with a master's degree and  Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a bachelor's degree.