Bowen Yan is a Senior Data Advisor for Higher Education Research, Southern of University of Science and Technology. Bowen Yan obtained her PhD and MSc at University of Bristol, and Bachelor of Medicine from Xi’an University of Technology.
Yan’s research fields includes Conversational AI, Graph AI,AI in Healthcare. She has published a number of academic papers in English journals, including Information Systems Management,Research in Engineering Design,Journal of Mechanical Design,Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
1. Serhad Sarica, Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo (2020) Data-Driven Intelligence on Innovation and Competition: Patent Overlay Network Visualization and Analytics. Information Systems Management, 37(3), 198-212.
2. Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. (2019) Multicores-periphery structure in networks. Network Science.
3. Binyang Song, Bowen Yan, Giorgio Triulzi, Jeffrey Alstott, Jianxi Luo. (2019) Overlay technology space map for analyzing design knowledge base of a technology domain: The case of hybrid electric vehicles. Research in Engineering Design, 30(3), 405–423.
4. Serhad Sarica, Bowen Yan, Bulato Gerardo, Pratik Jaipurkar, Jianxi Luo. Data-Driven Network Visualization for Innovation and Competitive Intelligence. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 52), Jan 8-11, 2019, Maui, Hawaii.
5. Yuan Gao and Bowen Yan, Hotspots in research on STEM education in China, the 5th International STEM in Education Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
6. Jianxi Luo, Bowen Yan, Kristin Wood. (2017). InnoGPS for data-driven exploration of design opportunities and directions: The case of Google driverless car project. Journal of Mechanical Design, 139(11), 111416.
7. Loet Leydesdorff, Dieter Franz Kogler, Bowen Yan. (2017). Mapping patent classifications: Portfolio and statistical analysis, and the comparison of strengths and weaknesses. Scientometrics, 112(3), 1573–1591.
8. Jeffrey Alstott, Giorgio Triulzi, Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. (2017). Inventors' explorations across technology domains. Design Science, 3, e20.
9. Jeffrey Alstott, Giorgio Triulzi, Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. (2017). Mapping technology space by normalizing technology relatedness networks. Scientometrics, 110(1), 443-479.
10. Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. (2017). Filtering patent maps for visualization of diversification paths of inventors and organizations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(6), 1551–1563.
11. Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. (2017). Measuring technological distance for patent mapping. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(2), 423–437.
12. Binyang Song, Giorgio Triulzi, Jeffrey Alstott, Bowen Yan, Jianxi Luo. Overlay patent network for analysing design space evolution: the case of hybrid electrical vehicles. 14th International Design Conference, May 16-19, 2016, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
13. Bowen Yan, Steve Gregory. (2013). Identifying communities and key vertices by reconstructing networks from samples. PLoS ONE 8(4):e61006.
14. Bowen Yan, Steve Gregory. (2012). Detecting community structure in networks using edge prediction methods. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P09008.
15. Bowen Yan, Steve Gregory. (2012). Finding missing edges in networks based on their community structure. Physical Review E, 85(5), 056112.
16. Bowen Yan, Steve Gregory. (2011). Finding missing edges and communities in incomplete networks. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44(49), pp. 495102. The paper is also featured on the front cover of a new issue of this journal.
17. Bowen Yan, Steve Gregory. Detecting communities in networks by merging cliques. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2009). November 2009, Shanghai, China.
18. Jianxi Luo, Guangtong Li, Bowen Yan. How predictable is technological diversification?. Research Policy.Under Review.